Admiralty and Shipping

ZEROLET SERVICES LTD , a CYPRUS based firm, is one of the best known firms in the field of admiralty and shipping law. The firm advises owners, managers, charterers, freight forwarders and their respective insurers and helps to resolve commercial and legal problems in London and abroad. Our overseas offices, as well as a network of contacts with leading maritime lawyers in a number of countries, enable the firm to act as coordinator in concurrent litigation in different jurisdictions.
We are recommended by a number of independent rating organisations in this area.

Our advice and assistance is sought on all types of maritime matters, including:

  • claims for loss or damage to cargo
  • freight and off-hire disputes
  • general average
  • collisions
  • salvage claims
  • pollution
  • transshipment and towage agreements
  • disputes under shipbuilding and repairing contracts
  • financing, security and the enforcement of mortgages
  • problems relating to the employment of officers and crew
  • personal injury claims
  • advice in respect of H&M and P&I policies and claims
  • advising on the acquisition of new tonnage
  • choice of flag and registration
  • aviation matters including aircraft registration and finance
  • all related company law and tax matters